Property records kevin grant hill texas

County Clerk Records availability dates including: deeds, liens, leases, plats, assignments, easements and more.

County Appraisal Data Coverage Residential and commercial property appraisal data coverage. County Courthouse Directory View contacts and addresses for County Clerks, District Clerks, and Appraisal Districts. Mineral Ownership Data Coverage Mineral ownership and valuation data coverage. Plat Maps Coverage Explore our expanding plat map coverage. Probate Records Coverage Research Texas Probate Records.

Search county clerk records and mineral owners. TexasFile provides instant access to official public records and mineral ownership data.

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Exceptional Data Coverage

Every County in Texas! Data starting in the 1800s

How can we help you?

TexasFile is our first and last search on every property.— Alan E&P Landman

We used the Statewide Search and discovered we had minerals in places we had no idea about. What a great tool, and thanks to TexasFile.— Jody, Personal

TexasFile is our first and last search on every property.— Alan E&P Landman

The indexes on TexasFile seem to be the most complete in the industry. This makes our job much easier.— John, Landman

Deed research made quick and easy. What more could a surveyor ask for?— Andrew, Surveyor

TexasFile makes lien searches a breeze. What used to take hours, now just takes a few clicks.— Lori, Paralegal

TexasFile makes lien searches a breeze. What used to take hours, now just takes a few clicks.— Lori, Paralegal

Deed research made quick and easy. What more could a surveyor ask for?— Andrew, Surveyor TexasFile is our first and last search on every property.— Alan E&P Landman

TexasFile is our first stop for county records. They are easy to work with and their customer service is top notch.— Cathy, Lease Analyst

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Industries using TexasFile:

Oil & Gas

Leases, Royalty Deeds, Assignments, Seismic Options

TexasFile is your online courthouse. Search and view all filings related to mineral ownership.

Quickly build a chain of title or division order.