Edify Energy and BlackRock complete large-scale solar financing

Sydney, Australia: Australian renewable energy company Edify Energy is pleased to announce the successful completion of large-scale solar project financing to build and operate two solar farms in North Queensland: the 150 MW (AC)/180 MWp (DC) Daydream Solar Farm and 50 MW (AC)/60 MWp (DC) Hayman Solar Farm.

This landmark solar finance deal:

This project represents the next stage of Edify’s plan to build an integrated clean energy business in Australia which includes actively pursuing a range of other energy related opportunities in Australia including energy storage projects. The completion of this project brings Edify’s portfolio to five solar farms and the provision of a combined 440MWp of renewable energy capacity to the national electricity grid.

Edify Energy Chief executive, John Cole said: “We are delighted to have closed another large utility scale solar PV financing transaction and to be a significant contributor to the renewable energy market in Australia. Partnering with BlackRock Real Assets, and their first investment into the Australian renewable energy market, is a real coup for Edify and is a major step forward towards mainstreaming solar renewable power in Australia. With a pipeline of projects under development, we look forward to playing a meaningful part in the decarbonisation of the Australian energy sector”.

Construction on both projects will commence in September 2017 with both solar farms being constructed by Australian firm RCR Tomlinson.

RCR Managing Director & CEO, Dr Paul Dalgleish said “We are very pleased to continue our strong relationship with Edify Energy to deliver these two large-scale solar energy projects generating a combined 240MWp”.

Edify Energy continues to maintain a long-term ownership interest in its projects and will undertake the construction management and long-term asset management roles for both solar farms, aligning interests with its majority equity partners.

Advisors to the projects involved in the completion of this successful transaction include Ashursts (legal advisors), Elgar Middleton (debt advisors) and KPMG (financial and tax advisors).

Key project attributes

Attribute Daydream Solar Farm Hayman Solar Farm
Location North of Collinsville, QLD North of Collinsville, QLD
Size 430 hectares 160 hectares
DC capacity 180 MWp55,000 homes powered 60 MWp18,000 homes powered
Offtaker Origin Energy Merchant
Solar panels 1,500,000 500,000
Construction to commence Q3 2017 Q3 2017
Commercial operations Mid 2018 Mid 2018

Media contact

John Cole
CEO, Edify Energy
[email protected]
+61 7 3102 6500