Search for family history records in New Zealand

You might be able to trace your family’s history in NZ through genealogy websites, old newspapers, or ships’ passenger lists.

Research tools

You can use the National Library’s resources to research your family’s history.

There are also websites to help you do your own family history research.

Find out when your family came to NZ

You can use shipping lists to find out how and when people arrived in New Zealand.

Shipping lists might be able to tell you:

There are only online shipping lists of people who came to NZ:

Between 1888 and 1910 some records exist, but they are not complete.

Births, deaths and marriages in NZ

You can search NZ birth, death, marriage, civil union and name change records.

Family records in Australia

Many NZ families originated in Europe, but they might have emigrated to Australia first.

Christchurch City Libraries has an extensive list of Australian family history resources.

Military records

You can search for the records and medals of New Zealanders who were in the armed forces.

If the person is still alive, you cannot get their records without their written approval.

Who to contact for more help

If you need more help or have questions about the information or services on this page, contact one of the following agencies.