Florida Documentary Stamp Tax and Nonrecurring Intangible Tax

A lender that either: (i) finances a loan in the state of Florida, whether or not the loan is secured by Florida real property; or (ii) secures an out-of-state loan with Florida real property collateral should be careful to calculate and collect at closing the amount of documentary stamp tax and intangible tax (if applicable) due and payable to the State of Florida Department of Revenue. Failure to collect the necessary funds at closing could place the lender in the difficult position of having to pay any unpaid tax when the instruments are recorded.

There are two types of tax that the lender should be aware of:

  1. The “documentary stamp tax” is an excise tax imposed on obligations to pay money. §201.08, Fla. Stat. Documentary stamp tax is collected in an amount equal to 35 cents per $100.00 of the amount financed. The tax applies to all promissory notes, non-negotiable notes and written obligations to pay money, which are “made, executed, delivered, sold, transferred or assigned” in Florida, and for each renewal of the same.
  2. The “intangible tax” is a nonrecurring tax on intangible personal property levied on obligations for payment of money which are secured by a mortgage or other liens upon real property located in the state of Florida. §199.133, Fla. Stat. Intangible tax is calculated at the rate of 2 mills on each dollar of the just valuation of the note or other obligation for the payment of money which are secured by a mortgage upon real property situated in the state of Florida.

Loan executed in Florida – secured by Florida real property:

Loan executed in Florida – not secured by Florida real property

Loan executed outside of Florida – secured by Florida real property

Loan executed out of Florida – not secured by Florida real property (Note: This applies only to Florida lenders.)

For more information on Florida documentary stamp tax or intangible tax, please contact the attorneys at Starfield & Smith at (407) 667-8811 or (215) 542-7070.